Maria Bryzhko Maria Bryzhko

Tuscany Wedding Photographer Tips: Mastering Wedding Posing

1. Focus on Each Other, Not the Camera
The most important thing during a couple's photoshoot is to interact with your significant other, not the photographer. Look into each other’s eyes, hold hands, and share those little touches that mean the world. It’s your connection that will shine through in your photos.

Many couples start to feel anxious when they think about posing for their wedding photos. As a seasoned Tuscany wedding photographer with 8 years of experience, I can assure you—posing is easier than you think. While flawless posing might be reserved for professional models, there are simple, effective tips that can make a world of difference.

Recently, I experienced what it’s like on the other side of the camera during my first couple’s photoshoot. Spoiler alert: it was an amazing experience!

Me, my husband and my child in Porto by Tania Belyaeva

Key Posing Tips for Couples

1. Focus on Each Other, Not the Camera
The most important thing during a couple's photoshoot is to interact with your significant other, not the photographer. Look into each other’s eyes, hold hands, and share those little touches that mean the world. It’s your connection that will shine through in your photos.

Me, my husband and my child in Porto by Tania Belyaeva

2. Be Natural and Authentic
Treat your photoshoot like a memorable date with your partner. Take your time to really look at each other, caress a cheek, or gently move a lock of hair. Compliment each other and express your love—these genuine moments make for the most stunning photos. Do whatever feel natural for you. For me it was clearly photographing.

Me, my husband and my child in Porto by Tania Belyaeva

3. Live the Moment
One secret from the modeling world: live in the moment. Don’t just freeze in a pose; let your emotions flow and keep slight movements going. When you truly feel the moment, your photos will capture the magic of marrying the love of your life—the person who feels like home.

Me, my husband and my child in Porto by Tania Belyaeva

4. Have Fun
This might sound cliché, but it’s vital: have fun! I once photographed a couple who wanted their engagement shoot to be playful rather than overly romantic. We ran, jumped, rode a tram, and even borrowed a dog for some shots. Years later, they still tell me those photos are their favorite.

Me, my husband and my child in Porto by Tania Belyaeva

5. Communicate with Your Photographer
Don’t hesitate to share your insecurities with your photographer. If you’re worried about certain angles, like a double chin, let them know. A good photographer will be mindful of this and capture you in the most flattering way.

6. Know Your Best Side
Even top models and celebrities aren’t perfect—they just know their best angles. Ask your partner to take some candid shots of you while you move. Review them without judgment to find the side you prefer.

Me by Tania Belyaeva

Bonus Tip: Mewing
A little trick I’ve learned from the models: mewing. By placing your tongue on the roof of your mouth, you can instantly enhance your facial features. Give it a try before your big day!

Now that you’re armed with these wedding photography posing tips, check out the 26 must-have wedding photos or explore the complete list of essential wedding shots to ensure your special day is beautifully captured.

Me and my child in Porto by Tania Belyaeva

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